主持国家自然科学基金青年项目、山西省基础研究计划青年项目各1项。围绕策略冲突检测、多模流量异常检测、跨层安全、隐私保护等安全领域问题展开研究,在ieee s&p、usenix security、ndss等知名学术会议和期刊上发表论文20余篇,获发明专利授权8项。
[1]haotian chi, qiang zeng, xiaojiang du. detecting and handling iot interaction threats in multi-platform multi-control-channel smart homes. 32nd usenix security symposium. (ccf a,网络与信息安全顶级会议)
[2] haotian chi, chenglong fu, qiang zeng, xiaojiang du. delay wreaks havoc on your smart home: delay-based automation interference attacks.2022 ieee symposium on security and privacy (sp). (ccf a,网络与信息安全顶级会议)
[3]haotian chi, qiang zeng, xiaojiang du, lannan luo. pfirewall: semantics-aware customizable data flow control for smart home privacy protection. network and distributed systems security (ndss) symposium 2021. (ccf a,网络与信息安全顶级会议)
[4]haotian chi, qiang zeng, xiaojiang du, jiaping yu. cross-app interference threats in smart homes: categorization, detection and handling. 2020 50th annual ieee/ifip international conference on dependable systems and networks (dsn). (ccf b类)
[5]haotian chi, luke jakielaszek, xiaojiang du, e. paul ratazzi. dice-enabled distributed security schemes for the air force internet of things. icc 2022 - ieee international conference on communications, seoul, south korea, 16-20 may, 2022. (ccf c类)
[6]xiaoyue ma, qiang zeng, haotian chi, lannan luo. no more companion apps hacking but one dongle: hub-based blackbox fuzzing of iot firmware.acm international conference on mobile systems, applications and services (mobisys '23). (ccf b类)
[7]chenglong fu, qiang zeng, haotian chi, xiaojiang du, siva likitha valluru. iot phantom-delay attacks: demystifying and exploiting iot timeout behaviors. 2022 52nd annual ieee/ifip international conference on dependable systems and networks (dsn). (ccf b类)
[8]shunrong jiang, jingwei chen, fengjiao li, haijun geng, haotian chi*. dcamm: dynamic curve-based automated market maker. 2023 ieee global communications conference (globecom). (通讯作者,ccf c类)
[9]shunrong jiang, guohuai sang, xuedan jia, fengjiao li, haotian chi*. eakm: efficient conditional privacy-preserving authentication scheme with on-chain key management in vanets. 2023 ieee global communications conference (globecom). (通讯作者,ccf c类)
[10]wancai yu, haotian chi, xiaojiang du, qiang zeng, yong yu. iotremedy: non-intrusive rule decomposition for user privacy in modern iot platforms. 2020 ieee 5th information technology and mechatronics engineering conference (itoec).
主持和参与主要科研项目 (近五年):
面向异构融合智能家居系统的可靠可解释异常检测机制, 国家自然科学基金青年项目, 2024.01—2026.12, 30万元(主持)
异构物联网平台共存趋势下的多控制源联动安全研究, 山西省基础研究计划青年项目, 2023.01—2025.12, 5万元(主持)
基于稀疏表示与模糊推理的空谱融合高光谱图像空间分辨率增强方法研究, 山西省基础研究计划青年项目, 2023.01—2025.12, 5万元(参与)
面向无线网络异构用户的智能资源分配理论与算法研究, 山西省基础研究计划青年项目, 2024.01—2026.12, 5万元(参与)
development of an information assurance and performance infrastructure for the internet of things, 美国nsf标准资助, 2018.10—2022.09, 298万元(参与)
美国国家自然科学基金会, 标准资助, 2016589, hardware-in-the-loop and remotelyaccessible/configurable/programmable internet of things (iot) testbeds, 2020.08—2022.05, 494万元(参与)
美国国家自然科学基金会, 标准资助, 2205868, towards understanding and handling problems due to coexistence of multiple iot platforms, 2021.10—2022.05, 218万元(参与)
朱笑岩; 郑超; 南海涵; 冯鹏斌; 池浩田; 吴涛; 张琳杰; 马建峰 ; 基于图神经网络的蜂窝网络异常检测方法, 2023-02-10, 中国, 已授权,公开号:cn202210301805.4.
参与学术会议情况 (近五年):
赴马来西亚吉隆坡参加ieee globecom 2023 (2023.12.3-2023.12.9), 作论文分组报告,并担任session chair.
赴香港参加ieee vtc-fall 2023 (2023.10.8-2023.10.14), 受邀在大会的iot/cps-security 研讨会上作keynote报告.
参加ndss 2021 (线上),作论文分组报告.
参加ieee/ifip dsn 2020 (线上),作论文分组报告.
journal of information and intelligence 2023年度优秀审稿专家