软件可靠性 容错计算
面向对象设计 i 数据库概论软件测试
[1] wang j, wu z, shu y, zhang z. an optimized method for software reliability model based on nonhomogeneous poisson process. applied mathematical modelling, 2016, 40(13–14), july 2016, pages 6324-6339. (sci检索;影响因子:2.291;中科院sci一区期刊;jcr一区期刊)
[2] wang j, wu z. study of the nonlinear imperfect software debugging model. reliability engineering & system safety, 2016, 153, september 2016, pages 180-192. (sci检索;影响因子:2.498;中科院sci二区期刊;jcr一区期刊)
[3] wang j, zhang c. software reliability prediction using a deep learning model based on the rnn encoder-decoder. reliability engineering & system safety, 2018, 170, february 2018, pages 73-82. (sci检索;影响因子:4.139;中科院sci二区期刊;jcr一区期刊)
[4] wang j. an imperfect software debugging model considering irregular fluctuation of fault introduction rate. quality engineering. 2017, 29(3), may 2017, pages 377-394. (sci检索;影响因子:1.295;中科院sci四区期刊;jcr三区期刊)
[5] wang j, mi. x. open source software reliability model with the decreasing trend of fault detection rate.the computer journal. 2019, 62(9), september 2019, pages 1301-1312. (sci检索;影响因子:0.98;中科院sci四区期刊;jcr四区期刊)
[6] 王金勇,张策,米晓萍,郭新峰,李济洪.“weibull分布引进故障的软件可靠性增长模型”. 软件学报. 2019, 30(6):1759-1777. ( ei, 国内一级学报)
主持和参与主要科研项目 (近五年):
1.山西省自然科学基金, 开源软件可靠性建模和优化发布策略的研究(面上)(编号:201801d121120),5万元, 2018/12-2020/12,主持
2. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金,面向容错web服务组合的可靠性模型研究(编号:61202091),20万元,2013/01-2015/12,参与