[1] zhenguo liu, lingrong xue, weihai zhang*. universal adaptive control strategies for stochastic nonlinear time-delay systems with odd rational powers. automatica, 2020, accepted. (sci 1区 top)
[2] zhenguo liu, yuqiang wu*. universal strategies to explicit adaptive control of
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[3] zhenguo liu*, lingrong xue, zongyao sun. new results on explicit adaptive
control design for nonlinear systems with polynomial conditions. international
journal of robust and nonlinear control, 2020,https://doi.org/10.1002/rnc.
5271. (sci 2区top)
[4] zhenguo liu*, binghuan li, ting jiao, lingrong xue. adaptive tracking control
of uncertain nonlinear system with time delays, external disturbances and
dead-zone input. international journal of systems, 2020, 51(11):1987–2004.
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[5] lingrong xue, zhenguo liu, weihai zhang*. decentralized tracking control for a
class of stochastic high-order time-delay nonlinear systems under arbitrary
switchings. journal of the franklin institute, 2020, 357(2):887-905. (sci 2 区
[6] zhenguo liu, lingrong xue*, wei sun, zongyao sun. robust output feedback
tracking control for a class of high-order time-delay nonlinear systems with input
dead-zone and disturbances. nonlinear dynamics, 2019,97(2): 921–935. (sci 2
[7] zhenguo liu *, yuqiang wu, zongyao sun. output feedback control for a class
of high-order nonholonomic systems with complicated nonlinearity and
time-varying delay. journal of the franklin institute, 2017,354(11): 4289-4310.
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[8] zhenguo liu, yuqiang wu*. a decoupled adaptive control algorithm for global
state feedback stabilization of a class of nonlinear systems. international journal
of adaptive control and signal processing, 2015, 29(9):1165-1188. (sci 3区)
[9] zhenguo liu*, yuqiang wu. modelling and adaptive tracking control for flexible
joint robots with random noises. international journal of control, 2014,87(12):
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[10] zongyao sun*, zhenguo liu, xinghui zhang. new results on global
stabilization for time-delay nonlinear systems with low-order and high-order
growth conditions. international journal of robust and nonlinear control,
2015, 25(6): 878-899. (sci 2区)
[11] lingrong xue, zhenguo liu*, yuqiang wu. robust adaptive tracking control
for non-triangular time-delay nonlinear systems with input dead-zone and
multiple uncertainties. international journal of adaptive control and signal
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[12] lingrong xue, zhenguo liu*, zongyao sun, wei sun. new results on robust
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international journal of systems science, 2019, 50(10): 2002-2014.(sci 3区)
主持和参与主要科研项目 (近五年):
1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,61603231,非三角时滞非线性系统的齐次稳定性与控制研究,2017-01至2019-12,20万,主持。
2. 山西省科技创新项目,2019l0011,具有输入死区的时滞非线性系统的控制研究,2019-07至2021-12,3万元,主持
3. 山西省面上青年基金项目,201801d221167,具有未知信息的高次时滞非线性系统控制研究,2018-12至2020-12,3万元,主持。
1.刘林仙, 刘振国,白建云,一种水下障碍物探测装置,实用新型,2017。
2.许富景, 常茹, 刘振国, 一种煤层气储运全程监测装置, 实用新型, 2018.
参与学术会议情况 (近五年):
2. 2019年6月3日-6月5日在江西南昌参加第31届中国控制与决策会议;
3. 2019年8月21日-8月22日在山东聊城参加第二届复杂系统控制与分析学术研讨会。