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★ 团队负责人简介:

王金勇,男,1974年8月生,现为山西大学自动化与软件学院副教授,博士。黑龙江八一农垦大学食品专业大专毕业,黑龙江大学计算机应用硕士毕业,哈尔滨工业大学计算机系统结构博士毕业。目前主要研究方向:软件可靠性和故障预测。在journal of systems and software, applied mathematical modelling, reliability engineering and system safety, journal of software, 软件学报,14th international conference on quality software, 46th summer computer simulation conference 等国际、国内期刊和会议发表论文10篇左右。作为以下国际期刊审稿人:

1. applied mathematical modelling

2. journal of systems and software

3. reliability engineering and system safety

4. iet software

5. quality engineering

★ 团队研究方向和内容:





★ 团队成员:


郭新峰  硕士,副教授


郭雪 硕士,讲师

★ 科研项目:


(2)开源软件可靠性建模和优化发布策略的研究,山西省教育厅,2018.12-2020.12, 主持

★ 论文:

(1)jinyong wang, zhibo wu, yanjun shu, zhan zhang. an optimized method for software reliability model based on nonhomogeneous poisson process. applied mathematical modelling,2016, 40(13-14): 6324-6339. (doi:10.1016/j.apm.2016.01.016, if="2.291)." (sci, 一区)

(2) jinyong wang, zhibo wu, study of the nonlinear imperfect software debugging model. reliability engineering & system safety, 2016, 153, september 2016, pages 180-192. (sci,二区)

(3) jinyong wang, ce zhang. software reliability prediction using a deep learning model based on the rnn encoder-decoder. reliability engineering & system safety, 2018, 170, february 2018, pages 73-82. (sci,二区)

(4)jinyong wang. an imperfect software debugging model considering irregular fluctuation of fault introduction rate. quality engineering. 2017, 29(3), may 2017, pages 377-394. (sci,四区)

(5) jinyong wang, xiaoping mi. open source software reliability model with the decreasing trend of fault detection rate.the computer journal. 2019, 62(9), september 2019, pages 1301-1312. (sci,四区)

(6) 王金勇,张策,米晓萍,郭新峰,李济洪.“weibull分布引进故障的软件可靠性增长模型”. 软件学报. 2019, 30(6):1759-1777. ( ei, 国内一级学报)

(7)jinyong wang, zhibo wu, yanjun shu, zhan zhang. an imperfect software debugging model considering log-logistic distribution fault content function. journal of systems and software. 2015, 100:167-181. (doi: 10.1016/j.jss.2014.10.040,if=1.424). (sci, 三区)

(8)王金勇,吴智博,舒燕君,张展.“故障检测率不规则变化的软件可靠性模型研究”. 软件学报. 2015, 26(10):2465-2484 (ei, 一级学科主学报)

(9)jinyong wang, zhibo wu, yanjun shu, zhan zhang. a general imperfect software debugging model considering the nonlinear process of fault introduction. in proceedings of the 14th international conference on quality software (qsic 2014). 2014:222-227. (doi:10.1109/qsic.2014.23) (ei, 国际重要会议论文集)

(10)jinyong wang, zhibo wu, yanjun shu, zhan zhang, lixing xue. a study on

software reliability prediction based on triple exponential smoothing method. inproceedings of the 46th summer computer simulation conference (scsc 2014).2014,46(10):440-448. (ei, 国际重要会议论文集)
